Blogs Personal Finance

Investing as per Your Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance


It can feel like a threat for one investor and an opportunity for another. 

So let me ask you this- have you ever evaluated your risk profile before investing? Kudos, if yes.

But if not, you are neglecting one of the crucial factors to consider before investing your hard-earned money.

Got 10 minutes to spare? Let’s understand your risk profile based on your risk appetite and tolerance. And while we’re at it, we’ll also discuss which investment instruments align with your risk profile.

Pour yourself a cup of tea. Let’s begin…

What is Risk Appetite?

Risk appetite is your willingness to take risks in order to generate higher returns on your investments. It’s a comfort zone where you feel safe, brave even.

Ask yourself this- what extent of risk are you willing to take without losing your sleep? 

If you’re comfortable risking 40% of your investment for a short time for larger wins in the long run, then you’re an aggressive investor. Between 20-30%, you have a moderate risk appetite. And only 10% indicates you are a conservative investor. 

If you can sleep peacefully, that’s the extent of risk you can take, which is your risk appetite.

However, appetite is one thing. Being able to tolerate it is another. 

What is Risk Tolerance?

Let’s say you want to buy a new phone. You’ll check the specifications and features of the phone. But most importantly, you’ll check the price. Does the phone fit your budget?

Every time you buy something, you filter it out within the price range. So, even if you would want to buy a flagship phone, you’ll only do so if it fits your budget. 

Similarly, you might be willing to take more risk. But does your risk-taking ability align with your will? Something to think about.

What Factors to Consider to Evaluate Your Risk Tolerance? 

Many times when I review a client’s portfolio, I realize that they have misjudged their risk profile. A lot of investors believe they can invest aggressively, but they find it difficult to digest the volatility of the market or when the market enters a bear phase. 

So here are some things you must consider to understand your risk tolerance. 

1. Your Monthly Income and Expenses

Investors with a steady flow of income can take slightly higher risks. With income coming every month, they can consistently invest and still have money left for emergencies. 

However, investors with unstable incomes will have a different risk appetite and have to invest carefully. 

Your monthly income and expenses play crucial roles in your overall risk profile. Choosing the investment instruments will depend upon your risk profile. 

2. Your Age

Age plays a crucial factor in determining risk tolerance.

Let’s take the example of three investors. A 25-year-old investor with years ahead to earn and invest more. A 50-year-old investor nearing retirement who has generated wealth over the years. And a 70-year retired investor managing a retirement corpus.

A 25-year-old investor can take more risk by holding the investment for years. (Aggressive risk appetite.)

A 50-year-old investor might take a slight risk, however, would prefer safer instruments. (Moderate risk appetite.)

And, a 70-year-old investor would want to keep the retirement corpus safe, hence, would go for the safest options. (Conservative risk appetite.)

As per the thumb rule of ‘100 (minus) age’% of equity exposure: The 25-year-old investor can have 75% exposure to equity. The 50-year-old investor can have 50% exposure to equity. Whereas the 70-year-old investor can have only 30% equity exposure.

However, we have met aggressive investors in the 70+ age group wanting to invest in equities. They understand the equity market and are comfortable with the risk. 

It’s up to the investor’s risk appetite.

3. Your Emotional Strength

How upset would you be if your recent investment declined by 20%? Would you regret your decision or be confident about the future market rally?

Market volatility causes many investors to panic-sell their investments. Historical data clearly shows that the market eventually bounces back from any crash. The post-COVID bull phase is the most recent example.

So, if you panic during a market crash, you might be either a conservative or a moderate investor. An aggressive investor might invest more during a market crash. 

4. Your Investment Horizon

Your investment horizon decides how aggressive or conservative you want to be. For example, say you want to park your money for the next 3 to 6 months. For a timeframe that narrow, you’d prefer safer avenues such as liquid funds, short-term debt funds rather than equity investments. 

Similarly, if you can stay invested for 5+ years, you can consider high-risk investments. A longer time horizon can mitigate the risk. The economy is bound to grow, making the investment less risky. 

What is a Risk Profile?

A risk profile is a collective verdict of risk appetite and tolerance. Your risk profile indicates where you should/can invest to fulfill your financial goals.

So…the moment of truth:

Invest as Per Your Risk Profile

Aggressive Investors can invest in: Pure equity mutual funds, Direct equity, Emerging sectors via sectoral funds, Thematic Funds, Alternative Investment Funds, Unlisted Shares etc. And to manage all that, you can also opt for Portfolio Management Services

Moderate Investors can invest in: Hybrid funds such as the Balanced Advantage Fund, and the Multi Asset Fund. A small percentage of pure equity funds would contribute to the portfolio growth.

Conservative Investors can invest in: Various types of debt funds, Fixed Deposits/Corporate Deposits, Public provident funds, etc. 

The above categories are just for reference. You must also factorize your time horizon and financial objectives. 

For example, if you are investing for a short-term goal (say 6-12 months), then investing in pure equity won’t make sense even for aggressive investors.

Similarly, conservative investors with 5-10 years of investment horizon can look at hybrid funds or large cap funds instead of FDs or debt funds. 

Final Thoughts

Risk profiling, a very crucial first step, will give you an idea of the investment instruments you can look at. 

The next step is to finalize your financial goals. It will help you filter out the instruments with the appropriate time horizon. 

Your risk profile and financial goals may change with time. Therefore, you must periodically evaluate and rebalance your portfolio.

If you want to review your portfolio and calculate your risk profile, experts at VNN Wealth can assist you. Get in touch with us. Or schedule a finance consultation call at your convenience. 


Blogs Personal Finance

8 Biggest Investing Mistakes to Avoid Before It’s Too Late

Do you ever feel like your portfolio is not growing as expected? That could be because you may have, unknowingly, made investing mistakes.

I have encountered plenty of portfolio blunders in my clients’ portfolios that go unnoticed by them. If kept unfixed, these errors can slow down your wealth creation journey. 

Don’t worry! It happens to the best of us. Even the savviest investors stumble at times.

In this blog, I’m sharing some of the most common investing mistakes in India and how to fix them. Let’s dive headfirst into it…

Mistake #1: Not Comparing The Mutual Fund to its Benchmark

You know how you love the butter chicken from that one particular restaurant? If you eat butter chicken anywhere else after that, you’ll compare it to the one that you loved. Nah! It’s not the same. Or, Yes! It’s pretty close to that one.

You start treating your absolute favourite butter chicken as a benchmark to compare butter chicken from every other restaurant.

Benchmark comparisons are a part of our life, especially while investing. 

Yet, the majority of investors that I have met, beginners or experienced, ignore the benchmark comparison. 

I’d say, benchmark comparisons are the easiest way to evaluate your mutual fund investments. Indices are clear reference points to review any fund’s performance.

You must compare funds with benchmarks such as BSE 200, NSE Nifty 50, Sensex, etc before investing and periodically evaluate them after investing.

If your fund is beating the benchmark- Great!

But a fund consistently underperforming its benchmark can be a concern. It might be a sign of poor strategy or lack of management. Keeping that fund in your portfolio will slow down your growth.

Fix: Dive deeper into why the fund is not beating the benchmark. And if required, re-allocate that money to funds in the same category that are beating the benchmark. 

Mistake #2: Being Too Hands-Off as an Investor

Imagine this. You build a nice garden in the backyard of your house. It’s gorgeous. Everyone is talking about it. 

But will it stay gorgeous if you forget to water it and take care of it? No! It will soon start to wilt. 

Similarly, not taking care of your portfolio, and being too hands-off with it, can be damaging. 

Your portfolio shows enough symptoms to determine what’s going wrong. For example: multiple fund manager changes, significant asset outflows, and prolonged periods of poor returns.

Fix: Don’t ignore the above symptoms of a fund. You might miss out on better opportunities elsewhere. Periodically review your portfolio’s health and proactively make decisions. Make sure your portfolio is always aligned with your financial goals, risk appetite, and market conditions.

Mistake #3: Long Tail of Underperforming Stocks

This is the most common mistake I notice while reviewing client portfolios. Stocks purchased due to some trend or a friend’s recommendation lead to too many stock holdings

Most times, the investors are unaware of the impact this may cause. It’s one of the reasons for over-diversification, which is as bad as under-diversification. 

You are lowering liquidity and losing out on investing in stocks that may deliver higher returns. 

Let’s say you have invested INR 1,00,000 in 50 stocks. For the sake of example, we’ll assume the average value of each stock is INR 20,000.

Now, say, one of the stocks doubles in value (INR 40,000) with a 100% return. Amazing, right?

Wrong! Despite the 100% return on a single stock, the overall portfolio returns would only be 2%. 

The ‘long tail’ of underperforming stocks can significantly lower the overall returns. Sooner or later, you’ll lose track of all the stock holdings. 

Fix: Discard underperforming stocks and invest that money in stocks or mutual funds that align with your long-term goals. 

Mistake #4: Buying Mutual Funds Based on Past Performance

I cannot stress this enough- past performance is not the only criteria to judge mutual funds. 

The economy keeps changing and so does the market. The fund that performed well in the past may not deliver similar returns in the future.

Fix: Instead of only relying on past performance, focus on the key ratios of the fund mentioned in the factsheet. Look at the rolling returns. It showcases how the fund performed in changing economic cycles. Additionally, always focus on YOUR financial goals and risk appetite before choosing investment instruments.

Learn how to read a mutual fund factsheet here

Mistake #5: Not Focusing on The Right Asset Allocation

I’ve met multiple investors who believe only equity delivers superior returns. Having an equity-heavy portfolio makes sense to them.

Yes. Equity does deliver superior returns over a longer term. However, like any other asset class, equity is also cyclical in nature. In order to be a savvy investor, you must invest in various asset classes to ensure that your entire portfolio is constantly growing. 

Take a look at the table below.

importance of asset allocation across stocks, bonds, gold, international equity, mutual funds

Each asset class has had its own ups and downs over a decade.

An equity-heavy portfolio would have delivered significant returns in 2017 and 2021. But the same portfolio would have underperformed in 2016, 2018, and  2022.

Fix: Invest across various asset classes. A balanced allocation towards multiple asset classes can deliver superior returns with downside protection. This way, when equity performance drops, gold or debt can reduce the downside risk in your portfolio and vice versa.

Read more about asset allocation here

Blunder #6: Accidentally Falling For Schemes with Low IRR

Have you ever been lured in by an insurance scheme that promises guaranteed returns? ‘Invest xyz per month for 7 years and earn this much for the next 8 years.’ Well…something like that. 

Let me tell you, these sales pitches are amazing. They know how to make you believe in those numbers. They throw in the words like minimum risk, guaranteed earnings, and whatnot.

The best of the best have fallen for similar schemes that are nothing but slow torture. If you calculate the IRR (Internal Rate of Return) of the scheme, the overall returns are never attractive considering you’re committing to the product for a really long duration. 

Fix: Don’t blindly invest in such schemes without calculating the actual IRR. You can use a simple Excel formula to calculate the IRR before you make a decision. 

Mistake #7: Investing in Multiple Mutual Fund Schemes from the Same Category

You might create a redundant investment if you invest in more than one mutual fund scheme within the same category.

In most cases, the underlying assets in two funds from the same category might be the same. 

Let’s say, you’ve invested in two large-cap funds. We’ll take ICICI Prudential Bluechip and Kotak Bluechip fund as an example.

These are some of the underlying assets in both the funds:

comparing two mutual funds. ICICI Prudential Bluechip fund, Kotak Bluechip fund

You’ll notice that the majority of the assets in both funds are identical. This can also be viewed as a co-relation matrix, which shows that 97% of the stocks in both funds are exactly the same. 

Here’s a snapshot of the correlation between multiple large-cap funds-

The degree of correlation between these funds ranges from 88% to 99%, which indicates similar underlying assets. 

Fix: To ensure true diversification, invest in different categories of mutual funds or asset classes with low correlation. You can compare the factsheet of the two funds to get an idea of their top holdings. For a more detailed mutual fund comparison and an accurate correlation matrix, contact VNN Wealth advisors via our official email, Instagram Channel or LinkedIn Page

Mistake #8: Panic Selling

Another common mistake many investors make is panic selling. Market volatility may cause anxiety. Understandable!

However, selling off your investments in panic is the last thing you want to do. 

Let’s take the example of the 2008 global economic crisis. The Sensex had fallen by 63% from its all-time high of 21,207. 

Many investors sold their investments in a panic, causing a huge loss. 

If these investors had resisted the urge to panic sell and stayed invested for the next 5 years if not more; their capital would have appreciated by 115%. And about 286% in the next 10 years. 

The point is, you cannot time the market. Instead of looking at small wins, focus on long-term investments. 

Market volatility is inevitable but so is a market rally when the economy stabilizes. Mutual fund returns can beat inflation when you stay invested for a longer horizon. 

Fix: Hold your investments for a longer horizon, especially when the markets are volatile. If you panic during a market crash, talk to your financial advisor. They will provide the necessary reassurance and guide you through the changing economic cycles.

So, there you have it- the top 8 investment portfolio mistakes you must avoid at any cost. 

Building wealth is a journey that takes years. In fact, the more years you spend invested, the larger the wealth you generate.

Invest wisely. Diversify your portfolio across asset classes. Let your investments grow on auto-pilot but don’t forget to rebalance your portfolio periodically. 

Reach out to VNN Wealth if you have any questions.  

Blogs Personal Finance

When Should You Consider PMS: Choosing a Portfolio Management Service

Portfolio Management Service (PMS) offers customized portfolio management for high-net-worth individuals and Non-individuals such as HUFs, partnerships firms, sole proprietorship firms and body corporate.

A skilled portfolio manager handles your portfolio, which can be crafted as per your financial goals and objectives. 

When you invest in a mutual fund, your money goes to the fund house and then into the fund. However, in PMS, the transactions take place through your demat account. Therefore, you can see all the transactions happening on your behalf. 

You may like to read- Basics of Portfolio Management Service before moving ahead.

When is the Right Time to invest via Portfolio Management Service?

1. More than 50 Lakhs of Portfolio to Manage

PMS caters to HNIs with a minimum of 50 lakhs (as per SEBI guidelines) of investment. 

After spending years with mutual fund investments, you may have gotten comfortable with the risk associated with it. Now, if you don’t mind a slight more risk for even better rewards, PMS can be your next step.

Pro Tip- Entrust a PMS house with 50 lakhs only if that amount is not more than 20% of your overall portfolio. 

2. Managing a Large Number of Stocks

Recently, especially right after COVID, we reviewed a lot of portfolios with a large number of stock holdings. 

At a certain point, losing track of all these stocks is bound to happen. Investors may not have enough time to study the performance of each company in the current market. This leads to a long tail of underperforming stocks. 

The declining performance of multiple stocks creates a significant dent in your overall portfolio return. 

Instead, you could invest in stocks that align with your risk appetite and goal by selling underperforming stocks. 

Experts at PMS House can help you manage all your stock holdings. You can convey your buy/sell preferences and the portfolio manager will re-shape your portfolio accordingly. 

3. ESOPs Holdings

Salaried individuals may have ESOP holdings over the years. 

While reviewing client portfolios, we’ve often noticed that the biggest holding in their overall portfolio belongs to ESOP. Sometimes 90% of the portfolio consists of a single ESOP.

This leads to high-concentration risk. The returns will depend on the performance of a single ESOP. Your portfolio may not beat the benchmark. 

With PMS, you can filter out the stocks you want to keep or sell. You can set your preferences and invest accordingly.

For example, if you already hold an ESOP of Infosys, you can avoid buying more stocks of the same company. That way, you can truly optimize your portfolio. 

A well-balanced and diverse PMS commonly holds 20-30 concentrated stocks. Portfolio managers will readjust your portfolio accordingly by buying/selling stocks. The right asset allocation can minimize the risk and maximize returns. 

4. Flexibility

PMS offer more flexibility compared to mutual funds. 

Mutual fund categories have to follow SEBI regulations on asset allocation. But also, there are many norms regarding the capping on the underlying stocks, bonds and cash holdings. Additionally, mutual funds do not have exposure to the unlisted stocks.

PMS can choose the asset composition as per investor’s preferences and market opportunities. You can have a concentrated portfolio of 20-30 stocks. 

If you are someone who follows Sharia law, you can avoid investing in alcohol, tobacco, gambling, gold, and silver trading, banking and financials, pork and non-vegetarian, advertising, media, and entertainment industries.

It is possible to invest beyond equity, debt, and gold. PMS can open a door towards alternative assets and sectors to invest as per your choice.

How to Select a Good Portfolio Management Service? 

Launching a PMS in India is much easier than launching a mutual fund. Therefore, there are a lot more PMSs to choose from. 

Without a wealth manager by your side, it would be difficult to narrow down your choices. A certified wealth manager/relationship manager can recommend a list of suitable PMSs. Get in touch with VNN Wealth to know more.

Once you have a bunch of options ready, here’s what to review in a PMS.

1. Evaluate the Credibility of a PMS

Make sure the PMS is registered with SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India). Head to their website to review their team’s experience and track record. 

Delivering successful results in various economic cycles is a sign of a good PMS.

2. Communication and Transparency

The whole point of having a custom portfolio is knowing what’s happening with it. Having an active communication right from the start is the key to assessing the PMS provider. 

Make sure you read the client testimonials on their site. Ask questions about strategies. See the response time and quality. As an informed investor, it is your duty and right to know everything. 

3. Fee Structure

PMSs either charge a fixed management fee and an exit load or a profit participation fee. Each PMS has a different fee structure. To give you an idea, the fixed management fee could be between 2 to 2.5% of the total asset value. The exit load depends on the holding period and withdrawal value and could range from 1 to 2.25%. 

The profit participation fee depends on the agreement you have with the portfolio manager. For example, the portfolio manager will share a small part of your profit if it crosses a hurdle rate of 10-12% p.a. return. 

It is crucial to understand the fee structure before you hand over your portfolio.

4. Strategies and Risk Management

As mentioned above, PMS customizes your portfolio as per your financial goals and the timeframe in which you want to achieve them.

Therefore, the investment strategy and risk management changes as per the investor’s risk appetite.

Similar to mutual funds, PMS also offers large-cap, mid-cap oriented investment options. You can build a strategy to meet your financial requirements and preferences. 

Your wealth manager will be able to guide you through the entire process. If you don’t have a wealth manager yet or want to hire a new one, VNN Wealth is just a phone call away.

Final Words

According to SEBI data, the assets under management of PMS have increased to 28.50 lakh crore by 2023, with 14% year-on-year growth. 

Many investors are actively seeking personalized investment opportunities to align with their financial goals. If planned right, PMS can offer superior returns compared to conventional investment avenues. 

If your portfolio meets the criteria mentioned in this article, you can definitely go for PMS. 

Take a complimentary portfolio analysis with VNN Wealth to know where your portfolio stands and which PMS to choose. Contact us to know more. 

Follow @vnnwealth for more insights in the world of finance. 

Blogs Personal Finance

Importance of Asset Allocation to Create a Balanced Portfolio

Asset Allocation plays a vital role in the overall performance of your portfolio.

You know how a balanced mix of spices makes a delicious biryani? Similarly, a combination of various asset classes optimizes your investment portfolio. 

Market conditions dynamically change with time. No one can predict the accurate performance of a single asset class. 

The right asset allocation can hold your portfolio together during changing markets. 

Read along to know more.

Asset allocation refers to distributing/allocating your money to different asset classes. 

The allocation strategy ensures diversification. That way, the poor performance of one asset class can be recovered by another well-performing asset class. 

Different Asset Classes Include:

  • Equity: Stocks or equity-oriented mutual funds invest in companies listed on the stock exchange. This asset class is riskier compared to others but has the potential to deliver superior returns in the long-term. 
  • Fixed Income: Government bonds, corporate bonds, FDs, debt mutual funds, and money market instruments come under fixed-income securities. Safer than equity, this asset class can generate regular income.
  • Gold: Works as a hedge against inflation, currency fluctuations, geopolitical uncertainties, and global economic ups and downs. Gold/Silver ETFs can deliver superior returns compared to physical gold/silver and are easy to manage.
  • International Equity: Some selective mutual funds also offer exposure to international markets by investing in companies across the globe. 
  • Real Estate: Purchasing residential buildings, commercial buildings, and lands delivers returns via property appreciation or rent. This asset class is less liquid and may take a lot of time to deliver attractive returns. Investors can alternatively explore Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) which do not require buying a physical property. 

1. Balancing Risk

Asset allocation avoids dependence on a single asset class. Refer to the image below and you’ll notice that every asset class performs differently in changing economic conditions. 

importance of asset allocation across stocks, bonds, gold, international equity, mutual funds

[Data Source: Bloomberg]

In the year 2021, equity delivered 26.53% returns, debt delivered 1.4% and gold was underperforming. 

But in 2022, gold picked up pace and equity, debt declined by a large margin. 

An equity-heavy portfolio would have delivered significant returns in 2021 but would have underperformed in 2022.

Which is why, allocation across multiple asset classes can together balance the returns. 

2. Ideal Returns

Multiple asset classes can significantly improve your chances of earning superior risk-adjusted returns. Explore the above table again. Each asset class goes through its ups and downs every year. 

An equity-heavy portfolio would have suffered in 2016, 2018, and 2019 when gold was delivering superior returns. However, a portfolio with a mix of equity, debt, and gold would deliver ideal returns considering the state of the economy at the time. 

You can invest in different asset classes with variable horizons to keep your portfolio moving. 

3. Adequate Liquidity

You can enter and exit mutual funds as per your preference. However, an investment horizon plays a vital role in receiving the returns you are aiming for.

Equity mutual funds usually deliver superior returns over a longer horizon. Every savvy investor would suggest you stay invested for 5-7 years or more. 

And while equity investments are catering to your long-term goals, you need something liquid to withdraw quickly. Liquid funds, short-duration debt funds can be included in your asset mix for liquidity. So that, you can redeem them during an emergency.

4. Tax Optimization

Every asset class has different taxation rules. Asset allocation strategies also focus on lowering tax implications to maximize returns. 

For example, the ELSS mutual fund is a popular tax-saving instrument offering a deduction of up to 1.5L under section 80C of the IT Act. 

Hybrid debt funds with more than 35% exposure to equity still have the old indexation benefit which pure debt funds don’t have anymore. 

Explore taxation on all categories of mutual funds here. 

5. Financial Goals Accomplishment

Your financial goals are easier and faster to achieve by asset allocation. It avoids confusion, prevents panic-selling during market volatility, and simplifies decision-making.

1. Risk Profile

Your risk appetite, tolerance, and capacity assessment are crucial to plan asset allocation. 

The risk you can comfortably manage depends upon your age, family dependency, monthly income, expenses, and more.

Evaluate your risk profile for FREE with VNN Wealth to know which asset classes fit your profile.

2. Investment Horizon

Asset classes may have a lock-in period or a time-frame in which they deliver ideal returns. It is crucial to ensure the expected investment horizon before entering any asset class. 

3. Your Financial Goals

All your investments essentially cater to your financial goals. You can align your investments with goals such as buying a house, funding children’s education, planning for your retirement, etc.

1. Strategic Asset Allocation

Strategic investments maintain a core static mix of assets. For example, if an investor wants to maintain a 65:35 ratio of equity:debt, they will periodically balance the assets to the static ratio.

Let’s say you have distributed 1,00,000 into equity:debt as 65:35%, which will be 65000 in equity and 35000 in debt.

Now assume that your equity investment went up to 1,00,000 and debt went up to 40,000 bringing the total amount to 140,000. The asset ratio became 71.4% equity and 28.5% debt. 

In order to bring it back to 65:35, the equity and debt investment amount should be 91,000 and 49,000 respectively. Therefore, you’ll have to sell equity worth 9000 and allocate it to debt. 

Note- You can take advantage of market opportunities to rebalance the portfolio. For example, buying more equity when equity markets are down. 

2. Tactical Asset Allocation

Tactical asset allocation also follows a core asset mix but with opportunistic expectations. 

This strategy takes advantage of market trends and timing, to maximize returns. For example, including gold/silver in your portfolio when there’s an opportunity to earn higher returns on the precious metal investments. 

Another scenario is- a portfolio of 65-35% equity:debt can go to 80:20% if there’s the possibility of earning superior returns through equity for a short time. The allocation adapts to the market changes and can go back to the original formation when markets are steady.

3. Dynamic Asset Allocation

Dynamic Asset Allocation is more of a fund-level strategy. It changes the asset mix based on the market conditions. 

Counter-cyclical is a common dynamic allocation strategy in which- portfolio managers buy more equity when the markets are cheaper and sell it off at a higher price when markets correct. The debt allocation changes accordingly. 

Unlike the above two strategies, here you do not have to predefine the ratio of asset mix. It can go beyond rage if the opportunity presents itself. 

  • Evidently, Balanced Advantage Funds follow dynamic asset allocation.  
  • Multi Asset Funds offer exposure to equity, debt, gold and international stocks all in the same fund. 

You can explore various categories of mutual funds before sketching asset allocation for your portfolio.

Now that you know the importance of asset allocation, you can choose the strategy as per your risk appetite. Many investors like to stick to the core asset mix while others explore dynamic allocation. 

A lot of investors also go with the thumb rule of age i.e. (100 – your age)% of equity allocation.

However, you must take your risk tolerance and financial goals into account. 

It’s always better to start with a set of goals and plan your investments accordingly. Connect with VNN Wealth experts for more insights on asset allocation. Rebalance your investment portfolio with us. 

Blogs Personal Finance

Stocks vs Mutual Funds: Where Should You Invest?

Every investor’s investment journey eventually comes down to one question- Stocks vs Mutual Funds, what to choose? There’s no correct answer. It all depends upon your financial goals and preferences. 

Which is why, you should carefully curate your investment portfolio. A balanced portfolio should be your ultimate goal. But…for the sake of understanding, let’s get to know both investment avenues a little better. Shall we?

Stocks aka shares are the units of a company. Upon buying them, you officially become a shareholder of a company. Stocks deliver returns in terms of gains and sometimes dividends when the company performs well. 

When you invest 1,00,000 in a company with a stock price of 1000, you will get 100 shares of the company. You need a demat account to invest in stocks. 

Mutual funds are a collection of stocks of various companies. Apart from company stocks, funds also invest in other asset classes such as debt and money market securities.

Now, if you invest those 1,00,000 in a mutual fund of a NAV 1000, you get 100 units of a fund. These 100 units are a combination of multiple companies, enabling instant diversification. You do not need a demat account to invest in mutual funds.

Read along for a detailed comparison below…

1. Portfolio Diversification

Diversification is important to ensure a stable and sustainable portfolio. 

Diversification Via Stocks: You cannot invest all your money in one company. Having stocks from multiple companies is one way to introduce diversification. When one company underperforms, the other companies will keep the portfolio moving.

In order to achieve that, you have to study the market, analyze the performance of all the companies, time the investment, and keep track of all your stocks. It can surely be achieved with the right resources and knowledge, which individual investors may not have. 

Result? A long tail of underperforming stocks. Poor returns. 

Watch a quick overview of why too many stocks can slow down your overall portfolio growth. 

Diversification Via Mutual Funds: Mutual funds offer instant diversification. The fund managers use their expertise and resources to analyze the market trends. Therefore, the fund comes with a collection of stocks carefully picked by the experts. 

You can further diversify your portfolio by investing in various categories of equity and debt funds. 

The only drawback is, you do not get to choose the underlying stocks. However, you can compare the performance of a mutual fund to decide which fund aligns with your goals. 

2. Associated Risk 

No investment is safe. You cannot avoid the risk but you can balance it. Stocks carry higher risk compared to mutual funds. The returns on your portfolio depend on the performance of the specific stocks that you have bought. 

Mutual funds, on the other hand, have fairly diversified, well-researched stock holdings and can also balance the risk by asset allocation across equity and debt. The underlying assets keep moving up/down with the market. You can beat both volatility and inflation by staying invested for a longer horizon. 

3. Investment Amount

Let’s take a simple example- you have 10,000 to invest in. With 10,000, you’ll be able to acquire a limited number of good stocks, probably 3 to 4. Or, you may not be able to buy even a single stock of expensive companies. 

For example, MRF’s stock price is more than 1 lakhs. Honeywell Automation- 37256. Nestle India- 24000. P&G-17649. 

Even if you end up buying a couple of stocks, the entire performance of your portfolio will depend upon those stocks. 

However, if you invest those 10,000 in a mutual fund, you will be able to invest across market cap without worrying about the stock price. The corresponding units of your investment value will be allocated to you. 

You can either invest a lumpsum amount or start a monthly SIP. Usually, the minimum threshold of a lumpsum investment is INR 5000 and the minimum SIP amount starts from INR 100 per month. 

4. Taxation on Stocks vs Mutual Funds

You have to pay tax on gains earned via stocks and mutual funds. Stocks aka listed equity have the same tax rules as equity mutual funds. Investments redeemed before 12 months will attract a 20% Short-Term Capital Gain tax. Long-Term Capital Gains (investments redeemed after 12 months) are taxed at 12.5% above 1.25 Lakhs. 

Returns on debt mutual funds are considered as income. Both long and short-term capital gains are taxed as per investors’ tax slab.

You can benefit from the tax deduction of up to 1.5 Lakhs (under section 80c of the IT act) in a financial year by investing in ELSS mutual funds. Stocks do not offer any tax deduction benefits.

Who Should Invest in Stocks?

Stocks are for investors who want to have complete control over their investments. They can pick the companies they want to invest in. 

However, picking stocks is not as easy as it sounds. Say you have 1,00,000 to invest. How would you distribute them among multiple companies? You’ll have to keep track of market trends, performance updates on companies, and a lot more. 

Stocks can be risky and you may not know how to balance that risk. And even if you keep investing in stocks, soon it’ll become difficult to keep track of. 

So, if you have time, research capability and knowledge to monitor all your stock holdings, only then consider buying individual stocks. 

Who Should Invest in Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds are for everyone. From beginners to savvy investors, anyone can craft a portfolio as per their risk tolerance and financial goals. 

You can choose the funds aligning with your risk appetite and instantly diversify across various asset classes.

Investors looking to invest a small amount each month can create an SIP. You can also consider investing in ELSS mutual funds for tax optimization.

Let your investment in mutual funds grow over a longer horizon so you can even withdraw a fixed income via SWP. 

It all narrows down to what your preferences are and how much time you have. Both investment avenues have their benefits and limitations.

You must wisely choose where you want to invest your hard-earned money. 

The first step would be to craft your financial goals and the time in which you want to achieve them. Work backwards to plan your investments accordingly. 

Consider talking to your wealth manager. If you don’t have one, VNN Wealth experts can review your portfolio and guide you through the process. 

Blogs Mutual Funds Personal Finance

Alternative Investment Fund(AIF): Types, Benefits, & Taxation

An Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is a privately pooled investment avenue consisting of private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, managed funds, etc. SEBI regulation 2(1)(b) defines AIF as a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or a company or a trust. These funds open a doorway beyond conventional equity and debt instruments. 

Generally caters to Indian, NRIs, and foreign high-net-worth individuals with a minimum of 1 crore of investable amount. AIF typically has a four-year tenure which can be extended by two more years with unit-holders’ approval. Here’s everything you need to know about AIF.

Category I AIF

Investment across early-stage start-ups, venture capital, angel funds, and the infrastructure sector. The government and regulators refer to this category as socially or economically desirable. 

Venture Capital Funds invest in start-ups with high growth potential. VCFs offer funding to these companies by buying the equity stake. These funds often target a specified sector which is declared at the launch of VCF. Social VCFs invest in companies that create a positive impact on society. 

Angel Funds raise investments from angel investors with at least 2 crore net tangible assets. Angel investors are required to have investment experience, serial entrepreneurship experience, and ten years of experience in a senior management role. AIF Investors are allotted units of the funds. 

Infrastructure Funds invest in companies that develop infra projects such as roads, railways, renewable energy, etc. These funds generate capital from private investors. AIF Investors can purchase units of these funds. 

Category II AIF

This category invests across private equity, debt, and funds of funds. It also includes securities that do not fall under category I and III, and do not use borrowing or leverage for other than meeting operational requirements. 

Private Equity Funds invest in unlisted private companies. Listed companies raise funds via equity or debt instruments. Similarly, unlisted companies raise capital via private equity funds. These funds may come with four to seven years of lock-in period. 

Debt Funds in category II AIF invest in debt instruments offered by listed or unlisted companies. The funds choose the companies with a high growth potential looking to raise funds. 

Funds of Funds invest in other AIFs, hence the name. These funds do not have their own portfolio. 

Category III AIF

This AIF category invests across listed or unlisted derivatives such as hedge funds, open-ended funds, or funds trading to make short-term returns. These funds use diverse trading and arbitrage strategies. Category III can be both open or close-ended funds.

Hedge Funds gather investments from private investors and invest in both domestic and international markets. Underlying assets in these funds, including listed and unlisted, can have both short and long-term horizons. These funds can be highly volatile and may charge higher fees to optimize returns. 

Private Investment in Public Equity (PIPE) invests in publicly traded companies at a discounted price. These funds primarily help small and medium-sized companies to raise capital. 

Category III AIFs are more common among the three. Contact VNN Wealth Advisors for more information. 

1. Specialized Diversification in Your Portfolio

Though mutual funds are diverse, they are regulated and restricted to certain asset classes and exposure to those asset classes. AIFs allow investors to expand their portfolios beyond mutual funds. These funds bring non-conventional investment instruments such as private equity, angel funds, venture capital, unlisted stocks, and more. Investors wanting to explore diverse investment strategies can invest in AIF.

2. Potential of Earning Superior Returns

With a large corpus, fund managers have enough flexibility and scope to explore unique investment strategies. They aim to maximize returns using their analysis and expertise. Therefore, AIFs have the potential to deliver significant returns over the years. 

3. Lower Volatility

The underlying assets in alternative investment funds are less volatile compared to pure equity funds. Some of these instruments are not listed on the stock market, hence, do not fluctuate frequently. The wide spectrum of instruments manages the volatility quite well.

Taxation on AIF Category I and II: Since these two categories are pass-through vehicles, the fund doesn’t have to pay tax on the gains. Investors, however, have to pay the tax on capital gains. Short-term Capital gains will be taxed at 20% whereas long-term will be taxed at 12.5% above 1.25 lakhs. Returns on debt instruments will be taxed as per the investor’s tax slab. 

Taxation on AIF Category III: This category is taxed at the fund level with the highest income tax slab which is about 42%. Investors will receive the gains after the tax deduction at the fund level, hence, do not have to pay any additional tax.

AIFs cater to more sophisticated investors with a minimum of 1 crore of ticket value. Hence, it is not easily accessible to many retail investors. Almost every AIF subcategory accepts investments from only 1000 investors. Angel funds have a limit of 49 investors. Regulated by SEBI, these funds are worth exploring for portfolio diversification. 

Though we have briefly discussed all categories above, there’s more to learn. Give VNN Wealth a call if you wish to invest in AIFs. Our team will review your portfolio and guide you through the process. Find more personal finance insights at @vnnwealth.

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SWP vs IDCW: Which Plan is Better for Regular Income From Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds are the best way of building wealth and earning a fixed income from it. Be it a lump sum investment or SIP, mutual funds will deliver superior returns in the long term. 

And once you have enough wealth built, you can start earning income from your mutual funds.

There are two ways of earning a fixed income from your investments:

  • Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
  • Income Distribution Cum Capital Withdrawal Plan (Previously known as Dividend Plan.)

Let’s compare both in detail.

A Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is an automated way of withdrawing a fixed amount from your mutual funds at regular intervals. Investors can define the amount and frequency at which they want to earn income. 

To put it simply, SWP is the opposite of a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). In SIP, a predefined amount goes from your savings account to a mutual fund of your choice. SWP plan sells units of your mutual funds and transfers the amount to your bank account. 

Pro Tip- SWP is more effective when you give time to your fund to grow and benefit from the power of compounding. Stay invested for a longer duration. Once you have enough wealth built, you can start a SWP. It is one of the most tax-efficient ways to generate a consistent inflow, especially post-retirement. 

In the IDCW (Dividend) plan, investors periodically receive a profit made by the fund. The mutual fund dividend plan works differently than the stock dividend.

In the case of mutual funds, the unit price increases with capital appreciation, interest earned on bonds, and dividends. Therefore, the income received is not like the dividend from a stock but your own profit.


The unit price (NAV) of a mutual fund is INR 100. After capital appreciation, bond interest, and dividends, the price goes up to INR 120. 

Now, if the mutual fund declares a dividend of INR 10 per unit, you will receive the amount (INR. 10 x No. of units) in your account but the NAV will go down to 110. 

Let’s say you have purchased 1000 units of a mutual fund with an NAV of 100/unit. You will end up investing INR 1,00,000 in an IDCW mutual fund.

Total Amount Invested


Unit Price


Units Assigned


Updated Unit price after capital appreciation, bond interest, and dividends


Total Amount in a Fund


Dividend Declared

10 per unit

Dividend Amount Received (Dividend x Number of units)

10 x 1000 = 10000

Updated NAV after Dividend Payout (Previous NAV – Dividend)

120-10= 110

Remaining Invested Amount in a Fund (Updated NAV x Number of Units)

110 x 1000 =  1,10,000

The income investors earn from the IDCW plan is pulled out of the profit from their own investments. 

In the case of stocks, investors receive the dividend as an additional payout over and above the appreciated capital. Therefore, neither the principal amount nor the earned profit is reduced after dividend payouts. 

But with IDCW mutual funds, the appreciated amount goes down after the payout. This created confusion among investors. Therefore, SEBI renamed the Mutual fund dividend plan to Income Distribution Cum Capital Withdrawal Plan for clarity. 

In the IDCW plan, investors do not get to choose the amount or frequency of the payout. Therefore, it’s a less flexible plan compared to SWP.

A quick overview of SWP vs IDCW 👇

1. Flexibility of Choosing the Fixed Income

A systematic Withdrawal Plan allows investors to select the payout amount, frequency, and date. IDCW, on the other hand, depends on mutual fund performance and the fund house’s decisions. 

Let’s say you start an SIP of 20000 at 12% p.a.

You will accumulate:

  • 26,39,580 in 7 years.
  • 46,46,782 in 10 years.
  • 1,00,91,520 in 15 years.
  • 1,99,82,958 in 20 years

The SIP amount and horizon depend on your financial goals. 

Now, after 20 years you can comfortably withdraw 1L/month as a regular income for the next 20 years via SWP.

The remaining amount will keep compounding.

It is clear that SWP offers more flexibility compared to a dividend plan. It also helps you plan a source of income ahead of time. 

2. Surety of Receiving the Income

Receiving a payment via the IDCW plan depends on decisions made by the fund houses. The frequency and amount may change as per the fund’s performance. 

SWP, on the other hand, offers surety of payouts. You have full control over when you want to start SWP, for what amount, and how often.

You will receive the income irrespective of market conditions. 

3. SWP vs IDCW: Tax Implications

One of the important factors to consider before choosing an income plan is the applicable tax. 

Dividends are a form of income, therefore, will be taxed as per your tax slab. So, if you fall under higher tax brackets, a dividend plan may not be ideal for you.

Systematic Withdrawals are a form of mutual fund redemptions. Taxation on mutual fund redemption depends on the holding period.

  • If you start SWP within 12 months of your investment, you will attract a 20% Short-Term Capital Gain tax on your withdrawals. 
  • Holding your investment for more than 12 months will attract a 12.5% Long-Term capital gain tax on withdrawals above 1.25 Lakhs in a financial year.

Therefore, SWP becomes a more tax-efficient fixed-income avenue than a dividend plan. 

Note- It is always better to hold your mutual fund investments for a longer duration. Not only is it tax efficient, but also helps you accumulate larger wealth by the power of compounding. 

Investors who do not rely on income from mutual funds but wouldn’t mind a periodic payout often go for the IDCW plan. It is not their primary mode of generating regular income. 

IDCW plan does not wait for the principal amount to grow by compounding. Therefore, many investors prefer the growth plan. 

SWP is suitable for investors looking to generate regular income on their own terms. It offers more flexibility and tax-efficient withdrawals. It is advisable to let your money grow for years and then start the SWP. 

Choosing a suitable plan entirely depends upon your financial goals and preferences. 

To answer the primary questions- SWP vs IDCW (Dividend): Which one is better for regular income from mutual funds?

SWP is the clear winner because it gives you the freedom to choose the amount and frequency. The income withdrawn via SWP is more tax-efficient than the dividend income. Investors wanting to earn a salary even after retirement should go for SWP. 

It is wise to have clear financial goals to select the right plan. If you have any further queries, feel free to reach out to us. Experts from VNN Wealth would be happy to help you shape your investment portfolio. 

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7 Ways to Talk To Kids About Money Management

Have you started talking to your kids about money? Here’s why you should teach your children about personal finances at an early age

Kids are way smarter than you anticipate. In fact, children grasp knowledge faster than adults. Their shaping years are the perfect opportunity to teach them about money management. 

School curriculum may not have finance lessons, but you can take the initiative.

Today’s small money talks are going to help them in the long run. So let’s explore simple steps to teach your kids about money.

How to Teach Your Child The Value of Money Management?

1. Teach Your Child How Money Works

Introducing your child to the currency can be your first step. 

You can try a simple fun activity. Ask your child to separate the coins and notes of up to Rs. 50 to begin with. 

Kids learn basic additions/subtractions very early in their school curriculum. You can ask the child to add the total money. 

That way, your child will understand how to use the money they have.

2. Take Your Kids to The Market with You

Take your child with you for groceries and vegetable shopping. That would be the right place to show your kids how to buy things with money.

Children love it when you ask for their opinions. Maybe, you can make them select a vegetable or a fruit of their choice. Encourage them to talk to the shopkeepers about prices.

Your regular mode of payment could be credit cards or UPI. But, for the sake of your child’s understanding, you can pay with cash.

That way, your child will understand how to pay and get the change back from the shopkeeper. 

This fun supermarket activity can teach your child the real-world usage of money.

3. Give Your Kids a Piggy Bank to Save Money

Money saving is crucial learning that’ll stay with your child forever. 

These days, various banks offer special banking for children to learn the whole experience. Parents can take responsibility for the bank account and set transaction limits. 

But you can start with a piggy bank.

The remaining change from the shopping you did together can go in the child’s piggy bank. Make your child understand the importance of saving money.

You can also set a milestone. For example, if your child is asking for a new toy, make them save for it. That way, they’ll value the money and the new toy. The delayed gratification will give them much more joy. 

4. Don’t Impulse Purchase Toys, Gadgets, or Accessories for Your Children

Kids replicate their parents’ behavior in every possible scenario. It won’t set a good impression if you fulfill their demands every time.

As much as you want your child to have every happiness in the world, you’ll have to be reasonable. 

Not just toys, anything that you buy will attract your child’s attention. It is crucial to make them understand the importance of wants vs needs. 

5. Teach Your Kids How to Effectively Manage Their Allowance

You are giving your child an allowance for their day-to-day needs. Instead of deciding the amount yourself, sit with your child to make a budget.

Together, you can write down what they might need to buy in a month. Create a list and set the appropriate budget.

That way, your child will know how to manage their allowance. The budget list will give them a clear idea of how to carefully spend the money.

6. Plan for Your Children’s School/College Fees

The concept of teenagers earning some money in summer vacations isn’t common in India. That decision depends upon you and your child. 

If your teenager wants to earn some money to save for college, that can be a good idea. Otherwise, you can sit with your child to discuss school/college fees. 

Making them aware of the education cost is important. If your child wants to contribute, you can help them figure out safe and simple ways to earn money.

Note: This subject can be tricky to handle. Kids might spend the money they earn carelessly. On the other hand, it can also teach them the importance of hard-earned money. So you may want to proceed with caution. 

7. Gradually Expand Your Children’s Financial Knowledge

Accompany your children in their financial journey. From teaching them to save money to helping them kickstart their investment portfolio when they grow up. 

Academics may not teach your child real-world finances. So you and your child together can navigate the world of finances by researching or talking to experts.

Talk about finances in your family. Make everyone involved and take everyone’s opinion into consideration.

You can consider hiring a financial advisor for your family who can help you set goals. 

Final Words

When was the first time you started learning about money management? Maybe your relative gave you some money to buy ice cream. Or your grandparents gave you coins to put in your piggy bank.

The small things you do with your money early in your life can set the base. That’s why it is important to talk to kids about money management. 

It’s never too early or too late. You can begin today, even if your child is 18+

Gaining financial knowledge and having financial goals define your lifestyle. And you can be your child’s finance friend. 

If you want more guidance on personal finance and investments, give VNN Wealth a call. Our advisors would be happy to help you.

Read More Insights on Personal Finance.

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7 Things to Discuss With Your Financial Advisor

Financial freedom isn’t far when you have an expert handling your investments. A Financial Advisor can speed up your journey to achieve your dreams faster. 

In the era of Robo-Advisory, the majority of investors are still seeking advice from financial planners

In fact, 53 Lakh demat accounts became inactive between 2022 and 2023. The reason is quite simple. DIY investment apps and FinFluencers aren’t qualified enough to guide you in the right direction. They cannot help you beyond a certain limit. 

Tomorrow when you are stuck, only an experienced advisor can guide you. But that is only possible when you are transparent with them.

Your advisor can provide calculated advice only when they know you better. So here are some things you need to tell your advisor without hesitation. 

Things You Should Tell Your Financial Advisor

1. Your Financial Assets

Your financial advisor would want to know about your financial assets. This includes your investments across various instruments like Mutual funds, FDs, Bank accounts, Gold/Silver, Real estate, and everything else.

Better not to hide anything. Otherwise, your portfolio analysis may show different outcomes. 

Your financial planner will review your portfolio to understand risk tolerance or duplicate investments. This will help them provide a custom investment plan. 

2. Your Liabilities, Debt, and Existing EMIs

Aren’t EMI deductions annoying right after your salary lands in your account? Welcome to adulthood. 

Fortunately, there are multiple ways to ease up EMIs and liabilities. 

Tell the exact numbers to your financial advisor. They’ll outline a sustainable strategy to comfortably transact EMIs, clear debt, and save funds for emergencies. 

3. Major Expenses and Your Financial Goals

A wedding, purchasing a property, or children’s education abroad can be major expenses. You may have to take a loan and figure out the repayment installments.

But, you can invest in various funds/schemes to comfortably handle these expenses. That’s something you may not be able to figure out on your own. 

A financial advisor will align your investment horizon depending on your planned expenses and goals. 

A quick example: If you want to buy a car in the next 6 months, then Ultra Short Duration Debt funds would be helpful. But if you are planning for retirement, then you need a combination of long-term Equity Funds, Debt Funds, and other schemes. 

4. Your Family

It’s understandable to not want to share personal details with anyone. However, your family is a part of you. 

Being able to provide the best life for them is a dream for all. And you can fulfill that dream by aligning your finances accordingly.

Talk about your family and their potential expenses with your advisor. They’ll help you afford the best life for your loved ones.

Don’t forget to include your children’s education, healthcare, and overall lifestyle. They are going to be your successors someday. It is wise to inform about them to your advisor. 

If you have a special child, the advisor will assist you with setting up a trust with specific instructions to take care of them even in your absence.

Knowing everything about your family will ensure a thorough financial plan.

5. You and Your Family’s Health

Hospital bills can put a solid dent in your savings. All your hard work can wash away because of poor healthcare planning.

Don’t worry! You can create a healthcare plan and emergency funds with the help of your financial advisor. For that, you should inform them about existing health conditions. 

Maternity planning can also be discussed with your advisors. Having a child can be expensive. Might as well be financially ready before bringing a new life into the world. 

A well-outlined healthcare plan can save you headaches. 

6. Your Spending Habits

What’s your monthly expense? Where do you spend the most?

Spending habits can make or break your savings. But that doesn’t mean you have to cut down on spending on things you love.

You can spend comfortably by strengthening your financial plan. Discuss your spending habits with your advisor. Have a chat with them about how you can spend without burdening your savings. 

Be open to cutting down some expenses that do not cater to your growth. Your advisor will analyze your spending and guide you with sustainable budget planning. 

7. Ask Questions

Financial Advisors essentially design an investment plan suitable to YOU. They’ll encourage you to ask as many questions as you want.

If they don’t, then there’s a problem. A good financial advisor will always give you their time. They’ll avoid conflict of interest and prioritize your expectations. 

Note down all the concerns you may have. Sit down with your advisor to explore possibilities. 

You may like to read:

What to look for in a financial advisor.

5 reasons to break up with your financial advisor.

How Much Fee Does A Financial Advisor Charge?

Financial Advisors at VNN Wealth DO NOT charge any fees from investors. We make our money from Mutual Fund houses and not from our clients.

Final Thoughts

Would you hide your symptoms from a doctor? No, right? Because that will change the diagnosis. And you won’t get the right treatment. 

Similar is the case with your finances. The more transparency you create with the financial advisor, the better outcomes you’ll receive.

Of course, the first step is to choose the right financial advisor. Look for an advisor with the right knowledge and licenses. Make sure they are focusing on YOUR goals and not their benefits. 

Keep an active communication with your advisors. Ask them to show the results on a regular basis. 

Today is the day you declutter your finances and start building wealth.

Blogs Personal Finance

Systematic Transfer Plan: Investment Strategy for Gig Economy

Why does Systematic Transfer Plan works best for Gig Economy? Let’s find out!

Finances are a bit tricky for Freelancers/Self-employed individuals. 

Fun! But tricky.

Some months you get paid really well. Some months are not that great. And the best months are those when a big lumpsum payment comes through. Drum Roll!

Getting paid for your skills and creativity via gigs is pretty cool. Congratulations, you are running a profitable business. 

But that’s only the half battle won. The other half is managing that money.

With income coming from different streams at a variable frequency, investing each month is not reliable. SIPs are almost out of the picture. Though, investing a lumpsum amount in a single scheme is also risky. 

What if…you get SIP-like features by investing a lumpsum amount? 

Sounds interesting? Alright, we gotta talk about this. Read along!

STP allows you to move money from one scheme to another in installments at preferable intervals. You get to enjoy the returns on both schemes.

Investors prefer STP when they have a lump sum amount to invest. 

STP is somewhat similar to SIP. While SIP deducts money from your savings account, STP deducts the amount from the source mutual fund. 

You may like to know the benefits of SIP.

In STP, your lumpsum amount gets invested in a mutual fund of your choice, called a source fund. You can set a specific amount and the frequency at which your money will be transferred to one or more target mutual funds of your choice. 

Note- Both source and target schemes must be from the same fund house. 

At regular intervals set by you, your money will go from the source scheme to the target scheme in installments.

We would recommend liquid debt funds as your source scheme and equity mutual funds as a target scheme. Debt funds are often less volatile than equity funds. You will earn decent returns, which are higher than any saving account. And equity funds, even though slightly riskier, can deliver higher returns long-term. 

1. Possibility of Higher Returns

You get the best of both source and target schemes with STP. 

Liquid debt funds invest in debt instruments with short-term maturity and decent returns. While your savings account will give you a 4% interest rate, debt funds may offer 6-7%. 

With a slight risk, equity funds may deliver superior returns than debt funds. Collectively, you have the possibility to earn superior returns on your lumpsum amount. 

2. Balanced Risk and Returns

Market volatility is an inevitable part of investments. Of course, there will be some risk involved.

The good news is, STPs can balance that risk and returns by shifting your money into safer investment avenues. 

When the market is not in your favor, you can shift your installments into safer equity funds such as large-cap. Or money market schemes. 

3. Rupee Cost Averaging

Similar to SIP, STPs also have rupee cost averaging. Fund managers will buy more units when the NAV is low and fewer units when NAV is high. 

When the unit prices increase even further, selling units would be more profitable. 

Each transfer from a source scheme is considered a withdrawal. Investors have to pay a certain tax per transfer.

  • If the source fund is an equity scheme: You will have to pay a 20% tax for short-term capital gains (funds redeemed within a year). Long-term capital gains (funds redeemed after 1 year) will be taxed at 12.5% above 1.25 lakhs. 
  • If the source funds are debt funds: Both short and long term capital gains are taxed as per the investor’s tax slab.

1. Source and Target Scheme

You can choose any type of debt or equity scheme as your source and target scheme(s). Fund houses have various mutual fund schemes for you to explore.

Equity scheme targets are suitable for investors with moderate to high-risk appetites. Otherwise, you can go with safer instruments. 

Don’t forget to align your investment goals and portfolio with the schemes that you select. 

Get a complimentary portfolio analysis with us. Our advisors will help you select the right schemes.

2. The Frequency and Amount of the Transfer

Fund houses often have weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even yearly STPs. Make sure you understand all possible options before setting the frequency and the amount of transfer.

NOTE: Once you invest a lumpsum amount in the source fund, you can start STP even after 6 months or a year. The transfers can start/stop/change later on.

3. Investment Horizon

Sabr ka fal meetha hota hai!

Returns on mutual fund investment take time. We would recommend holding your investment for a longer duration. Preferably 3-5 years or more.

4. Expected Returns

Returns on mutual funds vary with market trends, fund performance, taxation, exit load, expense ratio, and more. Knowing the above parameters will help you understand the expected returns. 

Freelancers have a wide spectrum of payment structures. Month-end salaries are not a part of the gig economy. 

Managing payments, filing taxes, and planning investments can get complex when payments vary. 

STPs make the investment part quite easier as it allows lumpsum investment followed by installments. The definition of a lumpsum amount can be different for everyone. Please know that you don’t have to have lakhs to start STP. 

Many fund houses have a lower threshold on source fund investment. You can take benefit of liquid funds as well as equity funds.

If you are still confused, feel free to reach out to our advisors. Our experts will help you plan a suitable STP with the amount that you are comfortable with. 

The earlier you invest, the better returns you will earn! 

Get more Personal Finance Tips and Mutual Fund Tips with VNN Wealth. 
